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Early April.....It's time to

Its time to:


1. Continue to clean up your garden beds.


2. Divide perennials by digging up the clump and pulling sections apart or slicing with a sharp knife. Then replant the sections in other areas in your yard. For example, I recently dug up daylilies and divided them, also Siberian iris, and hosta.


3. Cut down your ornamental grasses to about 10" or so. Do not cut below the new grass that you will see emerging from the base. If your grass was floppy last year, you may need to divide it now and cut out the dead area in the middle... Same with mums and sedums.


4. Do not prune anything that is going to bloom in the spring, for instance, lilacs, early-blooming clematis, and azaleas.


5.Do cut your clematis that blooms in early summer to the fall......Jackmani and Sweet Autumn, for example.


6. Prune your crepe myrtle and budleas (to 12" or so ) flowers come from new wood. Also prune your Rose-of-Sharons.


7. If you haven't fed your plants yet, do so now. I buy Espoma's Rose Tone; Holly Tone for my azaleas and other acid-loving plants; and a regular formula such as a 10-10-10.


8. Move roses, perennials, and shrubs now. Amend soil before replanting.


9. Plant sod now, but not grass seeds.


This is a great time to work in your garden! The weather is cool, and you can get a fresh start making changes in your beds----things that may have not worked well together can be changed.


So get growing~



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